About Project Management

Our task

The Project Management (PM) department handles a variety of Minor Capital Outlay projects, with a maximum value of $933,000, and Capital Renewal projects on the SDSU campuses. We are responsible for the oversight of all facets of a project’s life-cycle, from scope development, design, and budgeting phases, through agency review, permitting, bidding, construction, inspection, and final close-out documentation. Project Management's oversight ensures a construction project fits within both the budget and schedule, and is constructed according to all viable safety and code requirements.

Get in Touch

Office location: Facilities Services, Room: FS-109
Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

Project Management

5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-1401 (Mail Code: 1401)

Need to Submit a Work Request?

Together, we'll work toward getting your project started!